
Sometimes I wonder how crazy I’ve been to say no to “opportunities” of working in reputable companies in the name of having my own business. Something surely must have gone off in my head to make me stare at fear and uncertainty and opt to walk straight toward them instead of settling for “good enough”. Looking back, I think the bug that bit my mum to make her switch careers some 25 years ago bit me too. I can’t tell what drove her but I know what’s driving me. Freedom. The quest for freedom is what keeps me digging hard and deep each day. I’m surprised I’m not saying money is my motivation.

To me, freedom means many things – idleness isn’t one of them. Freedom to do more, to dare, to go farther, to try, to cross boundaries, to “be”. Yes, freedom.

But over these past few years, I’ve questioned myself, if I made the right choice. I didn’t realise much that the freedom I seek demands a lot of fighting. The word basically means to be set free from what’s holding you, but often we underestimate the effort needed to be free. I have been running my startup for 3 years now and I feel like I’ve enrolled in a brutal school. There’s no syllabus here but you will learn somehow. The quicker you can learn and adapt, the faster you can move to the next class. Unfortunately, you never graduate from this school. You can only quit (which is as bad as not enrolling) or you can transfer to another school(another phase of your life).

I’ve been close to turning points…so close I could taste the salt in those moments. I was excited and couldn’t hide my joy. But one after the other, deals fell apart. Promises no longer held value. I’ve come to learn that no deal is truly done until you have the money in your hands. I’d have given up quickly like many people who venture into my field. But I’m reminded that my pursuit is higher than the money. So I’ve kept moving forward. Many days I’ve been down. A few times, I almost believed my pursuit was a “weekend job”. I almost fell for that lie. I’ve been sad, I’ve been enraged. I’ve been close to tears. I’ve been frustrated. I’ve been confused. Even now, it’s all not clear but I keep moving forward.

All I’m saying is, this journey of an entrepreneur is brutal and unforgiving. You’ll need one life more than that of a cat’s nine to stay alive. But the rewards are unquantifiable. The price you pay is nothing compared to the prize you gain. I’ll tell my story to who will listen, knowing well that victory lies at the end. Freedom awaits. I say to myself…”Saddle up boy, and ride away into the sunset. Your freedom awaits!“.

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